Opening Hours

The salon is open  by appointment only, contact me by phone.

Stay Informed

Join me on social media ! 
Participate and chat with me to get advices on grooming and the techniques used. 
Browse a gallery of pictures, videos ans stay up to date with the grooming salon news.
Click on the links to be redirected to my social media accounts !

Réseaux sociaux

The Blog

Here is a section dedicated to you.
You will find some articles that I have written to answer frequently asked questions and best inform you about the grooming techniques that I use.
You will also find some portraits of my favorite cuts ! 


About Me

Canine and feline groomer, passionate about animals since I was little, I opened my ownsalon two years ago now.
Each day that passes, you allow me to evolve and improve thanks to the presence of your little companions.

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